Learn Communication? If you tell people what they want to hear, they’ll believe you?

Naked Truth
Learn Communication?: How to Communicate When No One is Listening Mastering the Art of Becoming a Powerful, Confident, and Engaging Communicator
Learn how to communicate What Do You Want and Need effectively and efficiently ?
Professor Marvell Lawson America’s Applied Creative Communication Coach. www.creativecommunicationcoach.com
Listening Communication – Truth Coach
Learn Communication – to get your point across it is often necessary to use Listening Communication. This means we must listen to our audience to determine if they understand what we are attempting to communicate /to them. We know that people hear what they hear and not what we say. So, how can we help them hear what we say, i.e. hear what we want them to hear? Remembering that communication is 93% nonverbal, it is up to us to decode the messages transmitted to us by our audience. For instance:
- Are they watching you?
- Do they appear to be listening or are they concentrating on their cell phones or talking?
- Is their body language receptive or is it bored?
- Are they nodding their agreement or disagreement?
- Can you feel excitement or anxiety?
Opening your mind to accept various ways of communication will help you better understand whether your audiences comprehends your message or if they do not. It is important to understand that there are no absolutes. Your audience can only gain value from what you tell them through their own perceptions. One of our goals is to help clients improve on their perceptions, thus improving on their view of reality. Determining audience perception increases the chances that we get our point across by helping clients hear what we say, not what they hear.
This also applies to self. Having the self-confidence to believe in and trust ourselves. Regardless of what other may say, if we trust others more than we trust ourselves, we could find ourselves foolishly marching naked through the streets.